
Identifiers are how we connect objects to an Identity. The Identifiers object is present on both Signals and Identities in some form.

Identifier fields fall into two subtypes: primary and secondary. Primary identifiers are reliably unique, whereas secondary identifiers can be used for some matching operations but are not expected to always be unique.


Primary identifiers

Either one of these is required for any operation connected to an Identity.

  • userId string The user's primary key or unique ID in your system.

  • identity string The id value of the user's Identity in DFend.

Secondary identifiers

None of these are required, but they can improve matching and reduce the occurrence of duplicate Identities.

  • phone string The user's phone number. Must be in E. 164 format.

  • email string The user's email address. Must be a valid email address.

  • name string The user's name.

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